FTP Site | Description | Files | Data | |
mirror.as35701.net | AS35701 Mirror Archive | 43.8 K | 1.46 TB | |
ftp.be.debian.org | Debian Linux Project | 42.9 K | 1.41 TB | |
ftp.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de | University of Frankfurt am Main | 9.1 K | 514.30 GB | |
syd.au.glomirror.com.au | GloVine Web Hosting Solutions | 5.9 K | 343.21 GB | |
ftp.aist-nara.ac.jp | Nara Institute Of Technology | 16 K | 195.95 GB | |
ftp.uni-frankfurt.de | Goethe University Frankfurt | 2.2 K | 134.03 GB | |
ftp.cc.uoc.gr | University of Crete | 34.3 K | 122.33 GB | |
ftp2.gr.freebsd.org | FreeBSD Greece Mirror | 8.7 K | 98.02 GB | |
mirror.nsw.au.glovine.com.au | GloVine Webhosting Solutions | 1.4 K | 90.32 GB | |
www.mirrorservice.org | The UK Mirror Service Software Archive | 1.2 K | 81.37 GB | |
ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de | RWTH Aachen University | 1 K | 78.95 GB | |
apache.proserve.nl | Proserve Hosting Services | 1 K | 78.89 GB | |
ftp.iij.ad.jp | IIJ Internet Initiative Archive | 1 K | 77.80 GB | |
pclinuxos.c3sl.ufpr.br | Federal University of Parana | 968 | 77.55 GB | |
ftp.linux.cz | Masaryk University Software Archive | 1 K | 77.28 GB | |
mint-packages.c3sl.ufpr.br | Federal University of Parana Software Archive | 899 | 76.00 GB | |
ftp.linux.kiev.ua | Kiev Linux Archive | 957 | 75.08 GB | |
ftp.utexas.edu | University of Texas | 1 K | 73.36 GB | |
mirror.proserve.nl | Proserve Online Services | 1 K | 72.59 GB | |
ftp.br.debian.org | Debian Linux Project Archive | 1 K | 72.53 GB | |
ftp.fi.muni.cz | Masaryk University | 893 | 72.48 GB | |
ftp.mirror.nl | XS4ALL Servers Archive | 957 | 72.28 GB | |
mirrors.syringanetworks.net | Syringa Networks | 1.2 K | 72.13 GB | |
ftp.ps.pl | West Pomeranian University of Technology | 947 | 71.70 GB | |
mirror.yandex.ru | Yandex Search Engine Archive | 936 | 71.68 GB | |
gnu.mirrors.linux.ro | Linux Software Archive | 995 | 71.65 GB | |
artfiles.org | Artfiles New Media | 978 | 71.54 GB | |
mirror.solarvps.com | SOLAR VPS Software Archive | 985 | 70.37 GB | |
ftp.kernel.org | Linux Kernel Source Archive | 975 | 70.21 GB | |
mirrors.n-ix.net | Nuremberg Internet Exchange | 980 | 70.17 GB | |
wikipedia.c3sl.ufpr.br | Federal University of Parana | 983 | 69.74 GB | |
ftp.kernel.at | Linux Kernel Archive | 967 | 68.70 GB | |
ftp.kfki.hu | Kfki Research Institute | 918 | 67.56 GB | |
mirror.nexcess.net | Nexcess Hosting Services | 843 | 66.26 GB | |
ftp.demon.nl | XS4ALL Networks | 892 | 66.20 GB | |
ftp.linux.ro | Linux Source Archive | 824 | 66.14 GB | |
ftp.lug.udel.edu | University of Delaware | 864 | 59.73 GB | |
mirror.fairway.ne.jp | Fairway Corporation Software Archive | 1 K | 50.31 GB | |
bo.mirror.garr.it | Consortium GARR Archive | 647 | 41.90 GB | |
linux.mirrors.es.net | Energy Sciences Network | 3.8 K | 26.75 GB | |
ftp.itb.ac.id | Bandung Institute of Technology Software Archive | 532 | 19.42 GB | |
mirrors.kernel.org | Linux Kernel Archive | 486 | 18.23 GB | |
mirrors.easynews.com | Easynews Usenet Service Provider | 312 | 14.64 GB | |
ftp.man.poznan.pl | Poznan Supercomputing Center | 400 | 13.30 GB | |
ftp.csie.nctu.edu.tw | Taiwan Academic Network | 376 | 10.52 GB | |
mirror.picosecond.org | Picosecond Internet Hosting Services | 11.4 K | 7.41 GB | |
mirror.ancl.hawaii.edu | University of Hawaii | 7.4 K | 7.05 GB | |
ftp.linux-mips.org | Linux MIPS Project | 261 | 6.94 GB | |
gd.tuwien.ac.at | Vienna University of Technology | 141 | 6.04 GB | |
ftp.tuwien.ac.at | Vienna University of Technology | 141 | 6.04 GB | |
ftp.ines.lug.ro | Romanian Linux Users Group | 4.8 K | 4.57 GB | |
ftp.heanet.ie | Ireland Education and Research Network | 117 | 2.95 GB | |
ftp2.ie.freesbie.org | FreeSBIE Archive | 114 | 2.94 GB | |
ftp.fsn.hu | Free Software Network Archive | 13 | 2.71 GB | |
ftp.freepark.org | FreePark Software Archive | 13 | 2.71 GB | |
mirror.one.com | One Web Hosting Services | 972 | 2.25 GB | |
mirrors.ircam.fr | IRCAM Institute Archive | 12 | 1.90 GB | |
ftp.slackware.no | Slackware Linux Project | 9 | 1.90 GB | |
ftp.uninett.no | Norwegian Research Network | 9 | 1.90 GB | |
ftp.uio.no | University Of Oslo | 9 | 1.90 GB | |
suse.uni-leipzig.de | Leipzig University Software Archive | 8 | 1.90 GB | |
ftp.jpix.ad.jp | Japan Internet Exchange | 8 | 1.90 GB | |
ftp.rrzn.uni-hannover.de | University of Hanover | 8 | 1.90 GB | |
ftp.uni-hannover.de | Leibniz University of Hanover | 8 | 1.90 GB | |
ftp5.gwdg.de | GWDG Software Archive | 446 | 1.75 GB | |
ftp.icm.edu.pl | University of Warsaw | 51 | 1.29 GB | |
ftp.mirrorservice.org | University of Kent Mirror Service | 49 | 1.08 GB | |
ftp.jaist.ac.jp | Japan Network Information Center | 64 | 1.07 GB | |
ftp.sunet.se | Swedish University Computer Network | 39 | 1005.29 MB | |
ftp.vim.org | VIM Project Archive | 39 | 1004.75 MB | |
ftp.uni-erlangen.de | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | 40 | 1004.75 MB | |
mirrors-uk.go-parts.com | Go-parts Archive | 39 | 1004.35 MB | |
mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca | University of Waterloo | 40 | 1004.35 MB | |
mirror.netcologne.de | NetCologne Telecommunications | 40 | 1004.35 MB | |
ftp.fau.de | Friedrich-Alexander University | 40 | 1004.35 MB | |
mirrors-ru.go-parts.com | Go-parts Archive | 38 | 1004.35 MB | |
ftp.surfnet.nl | Dutch Education and Research | 38 | 1004.35 MB | |
ftp.nluug.nl | Association of Open Systems | 38 | 1004.35 MB | |
linorg.usp.br | University of Sao Paulo | 37 | 1002.83 MB | |
ftp.las.ic.unicamp.br | University of Campinas | 35 | 1000.51 MB | |
mirror.vutbr.cz | Brno University of Technology | 35 | 1000.51 MB | |
centos.mirrors.tds.net | TDS Telecom | 35 | 1000.51 MB | |
zenlive.mirrors.tds.net | TDS Telecom Software Archive | 35 | 1000.51 MB | |
mirror.liquidtelecom.com | Liquid Telecommunications Software Archive | 289 | 992.16 MB | |
ftp.linux.org.uk | UK Linux Archive | 11 | 848.01 MB | |
ftp.arm.linux.org.uk | ARM Linux.org Archive | 2 | 802.92 MB | |
mirror.ufs.ac.za | University of the Free State | 92 | 228.82 MB | |
ftp.jamsoft.com.au | JAM Software Archive | 4 | 213.02 MB | |
ftp.belnet.be | Belgian Research Network | 34 | 165.08 MB | |
ftp.altlinux.com | ALT Linux Project | 56 | 129.35 MB | |
ftp.altlinux.ru | ALT Linux Project Archive | 56 | 129.35 MB | |
ftp.twaren.net | High-Performance Computing Center | 27 | 103.91 MB | |
ftp.biostat.wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 13 | 91.45 MB | |
ftp.jussieu.fr | UPMC University | 2 | 52.90 MB | |
ftp.lyx.org | LyX Document Processor | 2 | 52.90 MB | |
ftp.lip6.fr | LIP6 Research Laboratory | 2 | 52.90 MB | |
ftp.slackware.org.uk | Slackware Linux UK Archive | 5 | 52.31 MB | |
ftp.dlink.ru | D-Link Software Archive | 8 | 44.86 MB | |
ftp.inf.ethz.ch | ETH Zurich University | 47 | 41.77 MB | |
ftp.kaist.ac.kr | Korea Advanced Institute Of Science | 66 | 13.90 MB | |
ftp.penguin.cz | Linux Software Archive | 2 | 13.16 MB | |
ftp.cs.huji.ac.il | University of Jerusalem | 9 | 9.84 MB | |
ftp.fu-berlin.de | Free University of Berlin | 8 | 9.57 MB | |
mirror.nl.webzilla.com | Webzilla Dedicated Servers | 6 | 8.49 MB | |
mirror.ox.ac.uk | University of Oxford | 6 | 8.37 MB | |
ftp.carnet.hr | Croatian Academic and Research Network | 42 | 7.82 MB | |
ftp4.gwdg.de | GWDG IT Software Archive | 7 | 6.57 MB | |
mirror.rise.ph | RISE Internet Service Provider | 7 | 6.56 MB | |
centos.mirror.transip.nl | Transip Hosting Services Software Archive | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
ftp.mirror.ukhost4u.com | UKHost4u Web Hosting Provider | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
ftp.ubuntu-tw.org | Taiwan Academic Network Ubuntu Archive | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
mirrors.digipower.vn | Vietnam Data Communication Company | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
ftp.cs.uu.nl | Utrecht University | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
centos.ip-connect.vn.ua | IP-Connect Software Archive | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
ftp.byfly.by | Beltelecom Software Archive | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
centos.vianett.no | ViaNett Software Archive | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
centos.uib.no | Bergen University Software Archive | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
mirror.lax.hugeserver.com | HugeServer Networks Software Archive | 4 | 6.55 MB | |
mirror.23media.de | 23media Hosting und IT-Services | 5 | 6.16 MB | |
ftp.ucsb.edu | University of California | 5 | 5.87 MB | |
apache.cs.utah.edu | University Of Utah | 7 | 5.19 MB | |
ftp.piotrkosoft.net | PIOTRKOSOFT Data Storage Center | 7 | 4.80 MB | |
ftp.rediris.es | Spanish Academic and Research Network | 7 | 4.80 MB | |
ftp.uwsg.indiana.edu | Indiana University | 7 | 4.79 MB | |
mirrors.fe.up.pt | University of Porto | 5 | 4.79 MB | |
mirrors.ibiblio.org | Ibiblio Library and Digital Archive | 6 | 4.78 MB | |
mirror.aarnet.edu.au | Academic and Reasearch Network | 6 | 4.78 MB | |
mirrors.xmission.com | XMission Business Internet Provider | 6 | 4.78 MB | |
mirror.switch.ch | SWITCH University Network | 6 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.iasi.roedu.net | Romanian National Research Network | 6 | 4.78 MB | |
freedom.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk | Chinese University of Hong Kong | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.udc.es | University of A Coruna | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.cs.uni-bonn.de | University of Bonn | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.mirror.anlx.net | ANLX Cloud Computing Specialist | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
mirror.us.leaseweb.net | Leaseweb Hosting Services | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
mirrors.advancedhosters.com | Advanced Hosters Dedicated Servers | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
mirror.1000mbps.com | 1000Mbps Dedicated Servers | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
mirror.de.leaseweb.net | Leaseweb Hosting Services | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.crihan.fr | CRIHAN Internet Portal | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.dc.aleron.net | Cogent Internet Service Provider | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
mirror.nl.leaseweb.net | Leaseweb Hosting Services | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.arnes.si | Arnes Internet Service Provider | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
tux.rainside.sk | Rainside Internet Service Provider | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.wcss.pl | Wroclaw Supercomputing Center | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
get-software.net | Comprehensive TeX Archive Network | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.oleane.net | Orange Business Services | 4 | 4.78 MB | |
ftp.ussg.iu.edu | Indiana University | 6 | 4.74 MB | |
centos.muzzy.it | Muzzy Linux Archive | 4 | 4.74 MB | |
ftp.is.co.za | Internet Solutions | 3 | 4.73 MB | |
mirror.atlanticmetro.net | Atlantic Metro Communications | 3 | 4.73 MB | |
ftp.informatik.uni-bonn.de | University of Bonn | 3 | 4.73 MB | |
mirror.digistar.vn | Digistar Company Software Archive | 3 | 4.73 MB | |
centos.fastbull.org | Fastbull Linux Archive | 3 | 4.73 MB | |
centos.mirror.cdnetworks.com | CDNetworks Software Archive | 3 | 4.73 MB | |
mirrors.arsc.edu | Arctic Region Supercomputing Center | 5 | 4.69 MB | |
spout.ussg.indiana.edu | Indiana University | 6 | 4.25 MB | |
mirrorcatalogs.com | MirrorCatalogs FTP Mirror Archive | 4 | 4.25 MB | |
apache.mirror.rafal.ca | Rafal Archive | 5 | 4.25 MB | |
mirror.reverse.net | Reverse.Net IRC Shell Accounts | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
mirrors.ucr.ac.cr | University of Costa Rica | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
ftp.stu.edu.tw | Taiwan Ministry Of Education | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
apache.mirror.vu.lt | Vilnius University | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
ftp.panu.it | Alberto Panu Archive | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
mirror.nohup.it | Nohup Archive | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
mirrors.ispros.com.bd | IS Pros Archive | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
xenia.sote.hu | Semmelweis University | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
apache.mirror.iweb.ca | Iweb Technologies Inc. | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
apache.uib.no | Bergen University | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
mirrors.200p-sf.sonic.net | Sonic Internet Service Provider | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
ftp.sakura.ad.jp | Sakura Internet Inc. | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
apache.mirrors.pair.com | Pair Networks Hosting Services | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
sunsite.ualberta.ca | University Of Alberta | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
ftp.mgts.by | Beltelecom Archive | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
ftp.forthnet.gr | Forthnet Communications | 3 | 4.24 MB | |
spinellicreations.com | SpinelliCreations Archive | 5 | 4.00 MB | |
ftp.tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | 6 | 3.86 MB | |
sunsite.icm.edu.pl | Computational Modeling Center | 5 | 3.85 MB | |
ftp.wayne.edu | Wayne State University | 4 | 3.85 MB | |
mirrors.muzzy.it | Aruba Dedicated Servers | 4 | 3.85 MB | |
centos.mirror.rafal.ca | Rafal Linux Software Archive | 5 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.lagoon.nc | Lagoon Hosting Solutions | 5 | 3.84 MB | |
mirrors.linux.iu.edu | Indiana University | 5 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.cc.columbia.edu | Columbia University | 5 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.roedu.net | Romanian Research Network | 5 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.fernuni-hagen.de | University of Hagen | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.netinch.com | NetInch IT Solutions | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.cogentco.com | Cogent Communications | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirrors.xservers.ro | xServers Hosting Services | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp2.tw.vim.org | Vim Editor Archive | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.tu-chemnitz.de | Chemnitz University | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.plusline.de | Plus.line Hosting Services | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.nyi.net | New York Internet Company | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.gr.freebsd.org | FreeBSD Greece Mirror 2 | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
fedora.uib.no | The Norwegian University Network | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.is.co.za | The Internet Solution Ltd | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
debian.carnet.hr | Croatian Academic and Research Network | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirrors.rackhosting.com | Rackhosting Mirror Archive | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.ulak.net.tr | Turkey National Academic Network | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.u-strasbg.fr | University of Strasbourg | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.pwr.wroc.pl | Warsaw University of Technology | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.gtlib.gatech.edu | Georgia Institute of Technology | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
open-source-box.org | Open Source Box | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.task.gda.pl | Academic Computer Center | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.symnds.com | Symantec Software Archive | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.checkdomain.de | CheckDomain Hosting Services | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.oss.maxcdn.com | MaxCDN Software Archive | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
gnuftp.uib.no | Bergen University | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.cuhk.edu.hk | Chinese University of Hong Kong | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.ntua.gr | Technical University of Athens | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.ciril.fr | University of Lorraine | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.mku.edu.tr | Mustafa Kemal University | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
psg.mtu.edu | Michigan Technological University | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.cixug.es | CIXUG Consortium Archive | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
mirror.its.dal.ca | Dalhousie University | 3 | 3.84 MB | |
ftp.gwdg.de | University of Gottingen | 8 | 3.54 MB | |
ftp.hostingromania.ro | Hosting Romania Archive | 3 | 3.50 MB | |
mirror2.klaus-uwe.me | Klaus-Uwe Mitterer Archive | 3 | 3.50 MB | |
ftp.au.freebsd.org | FreeBSD Project Archive | 2 | 2.32 MB | |
centos.mirroring.pulsant.co.uk | Pulsant Cloud Hosting | 5 | 2.24 MB | |
mirror1.spango.com | Spango Internet | 4 | 2.24 MB | |
mirror.overthewire.com.au | OvertheWire Telecommunications | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
cis.uniroma2.it | University of Tor Vergata | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.saix.net | South African Internet Exchange | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirrors.ukfast.co.uk | UKFast Managed Hosting | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirror.vexxhost.com | VEXXHOST Cloud Hosting Solutions | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.itu.edu.tr | Istanbul Technical University | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirror.ventraip.net.au | VentraIP Hosting Services | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.ksu.edu.tw | Kun Shan University Software Archive | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirror.hosting90.cz | Hosting90 Systems | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.ntu.edu.tw | Taiwan Academic Network | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirrors.sonic.net | Sonic.net Internet Provider | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirror.quintex.com | Quintex Archive | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.riken.jp | RIKEN Brain Science Institute | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.swin.edu.au | Swinburne University of Technology | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.neowiz.com | NEOWIZ HOLDINGS Corporation | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
centos.tcpdiag.net | TCP Diag Archive | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
ftp.tc.edu.tw | Taiwan Education Bureau | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirror.as24220.net | AS24220 Archive | 2 | 2.22 MB | |
mirror.linux.org.au | Linux Source Archive | 7 | 988.19 KB | |
mirror.neolabs.kz | Neolabs Software Archive | 4 | 967.96 KB | |
mirrors.usc.edu | University of Southern California | 4 | 377.44 KB | |
ftp.dei.uc.pt | University of Coimbra | 2 | 363.96 KB | |
ftp.ibiblio.org | Ibiblio Public Library | 1 | 243.14 KB | |
metalab.unc.edu | University of North Carolina | 1 | 243.14 KB | |
sunsite.unc.edu | University of North Carolina | 1 | 243.14 KB | |
ramses.wh2.tu-dresden.de | Dresden University of Technology | 1 | 220.15 KB | |
ftp.uni-koeln.de | University of Cologne | 1 | 77.21 KB | |
mirror.i3d.net | i3D Managed Hosting Provider | 1 | 77.21 KB | |
ftp.ec-m.fr | Ecole Centrale de Marseille | 1 | 77.21 KB | |
ftp.mrynet.com | MRYNET Software Archive | 1 | 41.32 KB | |
mirrors.rit.edu | Rochester Institute of Technology | 3 | 20.23 KB | |
ftp.linux.edu.lv | University of Latvia | 3 | 20.23 KB | |
ftp.kaspersky-labs.com | Kaspersky Labs Software Archive | 1 | 10.12 KB | |
ftp.funet.fi | IT Center for Science | 19 | 9.03 KB | |
ftp.eenet.ee | Information Technology Foundation | 1 | 6.74 KB | |
mmc.geofisica.unam.mx | National Autonomous University of Mexico | 1 | 6.74 KB | |
ftp.telepac.pt | Net Plus Internet | 1 | 6.74 KB | |
ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de | RWTH Aachen University | 1 | 6.74 KB | |
mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca | University of Calgary | 1 | 6.74 KB | |
ftp.back2roots.org | Amiga Sofware Directory | 2 | 5.93 KB | |
mirror.tspu.ru | Tomsk State Pedagogical University | 2 | 1.78 KB | |
ftp.yzu.edu.tw | Yuan Ze University | 2 | 1.67 KB | |
mirrors.nic.cz | CZ.NIC Domain Services | 2 | 1.67 KB | |
mirror.selfnet.de | SelfNet Archive | 2 | 1.66 KB | |
ftp.gnome-db.org | GNOME-DB Archive | 2 | 1.61 KB | |
mi.mirror.garr.it | Italian Academic and Research Network | 2 | 1.53 KB | |
ftp.student.utwente.nl | University of Twente | 2 | 1.51 KB | |
mirror.onet.pl | Onet Internet Services Software Archive | 2 | 1.42 KB | |
ftp.snt.utwente.nl | University of Twente | 2 | 1.09 KB | |
ftp.uni-bremen.de | University of Bremen Software Archive | 1 | 751 Bytes | |
ftp.columbia.edu | Columbia University | 1 | 478 Bytes |